Thursday, October 23, 2014


The following letter was sent to the Indianapolis Star. They chose not to print it. It is in response to Indianapolis Mayor Greg Ballard's proposal to fight crime, based, in part, on the brutal murder of Officer Perry Renn of the Indianapolis Police Department. Ballard proposed more pre-school care and more police officers.  Period. But, he forgot to say anything about getting rid of assault weapons, the cause of Renn's death. Here is the letter (I also sent the paper the illustration.)

 Dear Editor:

Mayor Ballard’s response to crime in Indianapolis deliberately avoided a demand for a ban on the AK-47, the gun that killed Officer Perry Renn.

This murder weapon was purchased legally from Don’s Guns by the shooter’s mother. Ballard, Governor Pence, and city and state legislators should pledge to rid Indiana of this weapon that was, at one time, illegal.

I propose the following:

 1.       Call upon all Indiana politicians to wear “Ban The AK-47” T-shirts* in memory and in honor of Officer Renn and the other victims of assaults with this violent weapon.

2.       Join other Hoosiers, including NRA members, in wearing these T-shirts as a sign of support for our police officers. (The disconnect between members and the leadership of the NRA on such issues as the AK-47 has often been reported.)

3.       Encourage the media to step up, asking our political leaders about such a ban. And keep asking.

4.       Hold a funeral for the AK-47, once it is banned. I am confident that the police officers who attended Officer Renn’s funeral would be there, since they are those most at risk from this terrible weapon.

Let Ballard, Pence, and the legislators begin the push for the AK-47’s death in Indiana. I’m sick of living in a city and state run by cowards.  

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